What really burns the individualinvestor about Wall Street's scandalsis that many of the analysts who toutedvirtually worthless stocks felt littleor no financial impact, at least not inline with what happened to investorswho put faith in their ratings. Butstock analysts are beginning to feelthe pinch, according to a survey ofmembers of the Association forInvestment Management and Research(AIMR). The survey showsthat AIMR members expect mediantotal compensation of $148,000 thisyear, down 22% from the $190,000level in 2001, when the survey waslast done. The biggest cut is comingout of bonuses, which have beensliced by the 3-year bear market. Theexpected median cash bonus is$30,800, which is down 38% fromthe $50,000 figure in 2001's survey.