The HCPLive Allergy condition center page is a comprehensive resource for clinical news and insights on allergic and inflammatory diseases. This page consists of interviews, articles, podcasts, and videos on the research, treatment and development of therapies for food and seasonal allergies, as well as allergic asthma and related conditions.
January 17th 2025
This systematic review and meta-analysis highlighted several key findings on use of probiotics as a treatment of pediatric patients with allergies to food.
Breathmobile Provides Needed Treatment to Students Nationwide
As one of the largest school districts in the country, the Los Angeles Unified School District serves more than 600,000 students on a daily basis. With so many children come a wide variety of health issues and individual health insurance complications that also must be addressed.
Over-the-Counter Allergy Drug Treats Hepatitis C As Well As Antivirals
April 8th 2015How could an effective, inexpensive hepatitis C virus (HCV) drug have been available at local pharmacies without clinicians and patients knowing it? Researchers from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have the answer.
Gut Micriobiome and Its Role in Allergy and Asthma
One of the hottest topics in medical science today is the role of the gut microbiome and its affect on various aspects of a person's health. A recent study looked at whether it can help predict the likelihood of a child having health issues linked to allergy and asthma.
Common Cold and Exacerbating Asthma Conditions
For children going to school, their time in the classroom is a time of learning but also a time when germs can be spread on a wide scale basis. For asthma patients this can often mean several causes of their condition becoming worse without having done much to cause it.
Continued Research Shows New Options for Early Peanut Allergy Issues
It was only a few short years ago that pediatricians were advising new parents to avoid giving their children peanuts for fear of triggering an allergic reaction. That may not be the case anymore thanks to recent detailed studies on the topic.
New Prescriptions, Costs Present Challenges for Allergists Part 2
There seems to be an ever growing list of items people are allergic to, and allergies that would only last a matter of months now stretch throughout the calendar for many. How best to handle these patients has become a focal point of care for allergists.
Providing Needed Care to Inner City Asthma Patients
In the inner cities some children do not have the resources at their disposal to get the care they needed. Recently considerable effort has been made to helping keep them healthy and able to function in their daily lives.
Pollution Poses Significant Issues for Asthma & Allergy Patients
Pollution in different parts of the world can affect a person's breathing in different ways. For people in the healthcare field, work must now focus on how to overcome those issues to ensure the health of their patients.
Epinephrine Autoinjector Needles May Be Too Short to Be Effective in Obese Patients
Study results indicate that the increasing rate and severity of obesity in western nations has rendered today's epinephrine autoinjectors an ineffective anaphylaxis treatment for many people.
Emergency Medical Info: there's an App for that
Older children sometimes feel stimagized wearing emergency medical information (EMI) bracelets that alert caregivers to conditions like diabetes and hemophilia. That can be a problem for those treating them in an emergency. But Kristina Derrick, MD, a Bronx pediatric endocrinologist, has a better idea. Put the information on the kid's cell phone--a device that most children 8 years old and up have these days.
Second Study Confirms Flu Vaccine Does Not Cause Noteworthy Reaction in Egg Allergic Children
A second trial of intranasal flu vaccines in children with egg allergies has reached the same conclusion as the first: The trace amounts of egg protein do not trigger systemic reactions such as anaphylaxis.
Early Exposure to Peanuts Can Prevent Kids from Developing Nut Allergy Later On
Study results that may soon trigger sweeping changes to pediatric nutrition guidelines indicate that sustained consumption of peanuts over the first 5 years of life dramatically lowers the risk of peanut allergies, even among high-risk children who begin with mild sensitivity to peanuts.
Measles Vaccinations: Tell, Don't Ask
Pediatricians and primary care doctors often face a quandary when it comes to routine vaccinations for children. When talking to parents about vaccination, the best approach may be speaking to parents as though it is assumed the vaccinations will be done, rather than opening the door to parental choice.